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A Toledo Criminal Law Attorney Explains the Many Benefits of Record Expungement

You’ve screwed up. You may have caved under pressure or simply had a relapse of good judgment. But, no matter the reason, you’ve now found yourself with a criminal record that could stay with you for the rest of your life. What should you do? Do you have any legal options so that this one horrible mistake doesn’t ruin your chances of having the successful future you hope for?

The answer is YES… you may have a chance for a clean start with record expungement. In the state of Ohio, record expungement is a possible option for you if:

A record expungement is essentially the same thing as having your record sealed. If this happens, then your record will not be normally accessible by employers or those conducting a background check on you. In general, you can legally deny having any criminal charges against you on job, college, license, or volunteer applications. The only way to make your record visible to the public would be by a court order.

How will a record expungement benefit your future?

Having a criminal charge in your background can hinder you from taking advantage of many rights and opportunities in life. For some individuals, one single crime can stand in the way of a lifetime of successes. It is in your best interest to see if a record expungement is a viable option for you.

Here are a few ways that having a criminal charge in your past can affect your present and future life.

If you’ve found yourself facing a lifetime of harsh consequences due to one mistake you’ve made, it’s important that you optimize your chances of starting over with a clean slate. Record expungement could be the answer you’re looking for. To learn more about how an expungement could benefit you, please schedule a free, no-hassle consultation today.

Contact Toledo criminal law attorney Michael E. Bryant’s Toledo, OH law office today to get the justice you deserve.

Find Michael E. Bryant online at, visit our law office in Toledo, OH on the second floor of 1119 Adams St. or call us at (419) 243-3922.

Categories: Toledo Record Expungement