
Do Both Spouses Pay for a Divorce in Ohio?

June 22, 2021

Filing for divorce is both emotionally and financially stressful for both people. Even if your divorce is fairly amicable, the cost of divorce can still be overwhelming. It’s important to understand the financial impact for both spouses, as both will have a financial responsibility when filing for divorce in Ohio.

Do I Forgo Custody if I Miss Too Many Visitations?

June 14, 2021

What remains after child custody battles can feel like proverbial dark clouds that hang over your life. Kids need two parents in their lives, and you have fought tooth and nail to make sure you have time to see your children. However, the visitation schedule laid out in a child custody agreement may become difficult […]

What is a Dissolution?

May 26, 2021

The Difference Between a Contested Divorce and Dissolution A dissolution, simply put, is an amicable divorce where both spouses agree on the terms or issues involved in the divorce and can take care of settling the divorce out of court, only presenting the terms to the court for approval. This doesn’t mean that all the […]

How is Child Support Calculated?

May 12, 2021

During the divorce process, both the child custody agreement and the child support amount will be determined. Parents are often very concerned with how a divorce will affect their children, and these are two of the biggest decisions that will impact the child’s future after the divorce. Deciding custody and visitation will usually impact the […]

My Children Hate Being Forced into Court Ordered Visitations

April 21, 2021

Co-parenting and shared custody is stressful. You and your former spouse may have differing views on many things, and it’s difficult when your children are caught in the middle. In some cases, children become resentful and begin to push back against court ordered visitations for a variety of reasons. As your children grow, they may […]

Do You Have to Be Legally Separated Before Filing for Divorce?

April 8, 2021

Many people wonder about the difference between legal separation and divorce. Do you need to begin the process with a legal separation? Is there a way to move directly to a divorce? Legal separation and divorce are related, but are two separate, distinct legal statuses, and your divorce attorney can help you determine the right […]

Can COVID-19 Affect Parental Rights?

March 24, 2021

Child custody agreements can be difficult to navigate in normal times. You hope that your ex is following the terms of the agreement, you hope that you can co-parent effectively, and most importantly, you hope your children feel safe and secure. COVID-19, in many cases, has made these things more difficult to navigate.

Divorce Attorney Discussion Checklist

March 11, 2021

Thinking about the logistics of how to file for divorce can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve never gone through the process before. It’s normal to be emotional, overwhelmed, and confused about how to go through the process. One of the first things you’ll need to do is find a divorce attorney, and you may feel […]

Is There a Financial Advantage to Filing for Divorce Before Your Spouse?

February 25, 2021

Line Up Your Team in Advance When going through the divorce process, you will need the right team to protect you and your interests. You need a qualified attorney who you connect with and trust, and you may need a divorce financial analyst. You may even want to have a therapist as part of your […]

How to File for Divorce in Ohio

February 18, 2021

How to file for divorce in Ohio is a fairly straightforward procedure, but it is still best to do so with the help of an attorney. There are many considerations, such as the grounds for divorce, property division, alimony, child custody, and child support. It can be overwhelming, so starting with an attorney is crucial […]