Maximizing Your Wealth: Financial Tips for a Peaceful Divorce
May 24, 2023
You and your spouse may have the goal of an amicable divorce, but splitting your financial picture can bring out the worst in some. To have a peaceful divorce, it’s important to know what you have together, what your financial needs are for the future, and plan to divide things in a fair way where […]
Tips for Safeguarding Your Financial Future When Filing for Divorce
May 11, 2023
Filing for divorce is difficult, even when the decision to end your marriage is the right one. Even couples who are trying to end their marriage amicably can struggle with adjusting to their new financial picture. Safeguarding your finances is an important step to ensuring a fresh start.
Divorce and Business Valuation: Understanding the Valuation Process
April 26, 2023
Spouses filing for divorce are always concerned about their finances and how their debts and assets will be divided. When spouses own a business, the stakes are even higher. Divorcing spouses may be surprised by the value assigned to their business during the divorce process. If you are filing for divorce and own a business, […]
Keeping Your Amicable Divorce on Track: Common Pitfalls to Avoid
April 11, 2023
Ending a marriage is never easy. It is often a decision that comes after a long period of stress and heartache. One of the best things you and your spouse can do as you part ways is to commit to an amicable divorce. Avoiding a contentious divorce where you and your spouse are trying to […]
Can You Be Held Accountable for Your Spouse’s Credit Card Debts in a Divorce?
March 23, 2023
Divorce can already be messy, and when you find that your spouse has run up credit card debt, that can make things even more complicated. In many cases, financial infidelity is what precipitated the divorce, and the betrayed spouse may be concerned that they will be on the hook for debt they did not create. […]
What Can Happen if You Lie About Your Financial Picture in a Divorce?
March 9, 2023
When filing for divorce, you hope that things can be done as quickly and honestly as possible. If you and your spouse are on the same page, you can end the marriage amicably and divide the assets fairly. But that is not always how things go. If you are filing for divorce and suspect that […]
Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights?
February 23, 2023
A child custody agreement can be difficult to develop, and grandparents often feel left out of the process. When a split between parents is not a friendly one, grandparents may worry they will be denied time with their grandchildren and wonder if they have legal rights. If you’re going through a divorce and your spouse’s […]
Why High Asset Divorces Need to be Handled Differently
February 9, 2023
Divorce is nearly always stressful, but a high asset divorce adds an additional layer of tension. When you have significant assets to divide and the stakes are high, hoping that you can make it through the process without legal representation is not recommended. Because of the complications of sorting through significant assets, high asset divorces […]
Does Child Support Continue Through College?
January 24, 2023
Custody and child support are often very touchy subjects for divorced or separated parents. Both parents want the best for their children, but the arrangements aren’t always easy. As a child nears high school graduation, both parents may be wondering what comes next. College tuition costs are rising and most parents will need to assist […]
Preparing for Your First Meeting with a Divorce Attorney
January 12, 2023
Filing for divorce can be overwhelming. When you are ready to begin the process, the first step is to meet with an attorney. Going into the first meeting is often very emotional. Filing for divorce can be mentally draining. The best way to alleviate the stress of meeting with your divorce attorney is to be […]