Timeline and Process: What to Expect When Filing for Divorce in Ohio
May 8, 2024
Divorce can be challenging, and one of the most frustrating parts of divorcing is how long it can take to get through the process. It isn’t as simple as deciding to end your marriage, and some divorces can take up to two years to finalize. However, knowing what to expect can make the process less […]
Tax Implications of a High-Asset Divorce
March 28, 2024
Divorce is a complex process involving separating assets, debts, and responsibilities. When it comes to high-asset divorces, the stakes are even higher, and the financial implications can be significant. In addition to the emotional and legal considerations, taxes can significantly impact the division of assets in a high-asset divorce. Understanding these tax consequences and exploring […]
Are There Specific Considerations for Business Owners in a Divorce?
March 22, 2024
Divorce is always stressful, emotional, and overwhelming, but when you own a business, you may have additional concerns about protecting the future of your business as you go through the process. In many divorces, determining if and how the business will be divided can be a serious point of contention. If you are going through […]
How Prenuptial Agreements Shape Asset Division in Divorce
February 29, 2024
High asset divorces can be contentious, as the asset division is complex, often involving businesses, property, and complicated financial portfolios. A prenuptial agreement can safeguard the interests and assets of both parties during the marriage and in the case of a divorce. They can significantly impact the outcome of the divorce, and both spouses will […]
Factors That Determine Spousal Support in High Asset Divorces
February 20, 2024
Every divorce can be challenging, but for couples who are splitting high-value assets, a divorce can become really complex. Without a prenuptial agreement, both spouses may be concerned about how best to protect themselves, their standard of living, and their financial future when filing for divorce. While spousal support has a customary calculation in most […]
Choosing the Right Divorce Attorney
December 22, 2023
No two divorces are exactly alike, and every family will have their own unique concerns when facing divorce. When you are choosing your divorce attorney, think about what your divorce will entail. If you and your spouse have children together, you will want to find an attorney who understands child custody and child support concerns. […]
Dividing the Family Business: Strategies for Fair Valuation in Divorce
December 13, 2023
Dividing assets during divorce can be complicated, but it becomes even more so when a business is one of the assets to divide. If you and your spouse own a family business, you need to know what goes into dividing that business fairly. No matter how big or small the business is, the first step […]
Strategies to Avoid Financial Misconduct Before and During Divorce
November 28, 2023
Divorce is stressful. Separating your assets and finances can take an already emotional time and make it feel even more high stakes. While we all want to hope that our ex-partners will behave fairly, the reality is that when it comes to the financial aspect of divorces, some will not. To avoid financial misconduct, there […]
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Divorce Proceedings: Tips for a Smooth Process
September 12, 2023
“Smooth process” and “filing for divorce” may seem like they are at odds, but it is possible to get through divorce proceedings with a minimal amount of stress. There will be many pitfalls ready to trip you up, but if you have an experienced, trusted divorce attorney by your side and know what to expect, […]
Valuing and Dividing High-Value Assets in Divorce: Protecting Your Financial Interests
August 23, 2023
Divorce can be overwhelming. Every divorce is emotionally difficult, every divorce will require a major change, and every divorce will impact your financial situation. However, in a high-asset divorce, the stakes are higher. If you want to protect your financial interests in a high-asset divorce, you need the help of an experienced Toledo divorce lawyer […]