
Answering Some of Your FAQs About Divorce and Child Custody

September 24, 2021

No one goes into a marriage expecting it to end in divorce, and many couples who find themselves looking at the breakdown of the marriage are overwhelmed with how to begin the process of filing for divorce. Divorce is a legal proceeding, and since most divorcing couples are not intimately familiar with the legal system, […]

Do You Really Need a Divorce Attorney?

September 13, 2021

Filing for divorce is a stressful and emotional time. You may think that your divorce will be straightforward enough to where you and your spouse can handle it on your own. If you’re both in agreement, why do you need an attorney? In fact, most couples filing for divorce can benefit from an attorney. Even […]

Common Steps in the Divorce Process Explained

August 30, 2021

Filing for divorce is a stressful and emotional process. Many couples quickly become overwhelmed trying to navigate the process and aren’t sure of the steps involved, let alone how to proceed through them while protecting themselves. Before filing for divorce, taking time to understand the process can make the situation far less overwhelming.

How is Custody Determined for Unmarried Parents in Ohio?

August 12, 2021

If you are unmarried and have a child, you may be wondering about how custody, visitation, and child support are determined. When the parents are married at the time of birth, custody is shared between both parents until determined otherwise, but when the parents are unmarried, things are different and both parents need to understand […]

What You Need to Know About Assets and Divorce

July 29, 2021

Most couples understand that when filing for divorce their property will be divided. What many couples don’t realize is which assets are considered and how this division will be handled legally. Even in the case of a healthy divorce, property division can be a sticky point, especially when there is a disparity in the earnings […]

Answering Your FAQs About Child Support

July 14, 2021

When children are involved in a separation or divorce, custody and child support are among the biggest concerns for parents. Whether you are in the midst of a divorce, separated, or were never married, understanding child support is important for the well being of everyone involved.

Do Both Spouses Pay for a Divorce in Ohio?

June 22, 2021

Filing for divorce is both emotionally and financially stressful for both people. Even if your divorce is fairly amicable, the cost of divorce can still be overwhelming. It’s important to understand the financial impact for both spouses, as both will have a financial responsibility when filing for divorce in Ohio.

Do I Forgo Custody if I Miss Too Many Visitations?

June 14, 2021

What remains after child custody battles can feel like proverbial dark clouds that hang over your life. Kids need two parents in their lives, and you have fought tooth and nail to make sure you have time to see your children. However, the visitation schedule laid out in a child custody agreement may become difficult […]

What is a Dissolution?

May 26, 2021

The Difference Between a Contested Divorce and Dissolution A dissolution, simply put, is an amicable divorce where both spouses agree on the terms or issues involved in the divorce and can take care of settling the divorce out of court, only presenting the terms to the court for approval. This doesn’t mean that all the […]

My Children Hate Being Forced into Court Ordered Visitations

April 21, 2021

Co-parenting and shared custody is stressful. You and your former spouse may have differing views on many things, and it’s difficult when your children are caught in the middle. In some cases, children become resentful and begin to push back against court ordered visitations for a variety of reasons. As your children grow, they may […]