
What Happens if a Custody Order is Violated?

December 3, 2020

When you separate from your co-parent, you will have a custody order with regards to your children. In a perfect world, both parents will follow the court order to the benefit of their children. In reality, this isn’t always the case, and one parent may violate the custody order. The other parent may feel powerless, […]

7 Things You Need to Do Before Filing for Divorce

October 28, 2020

When divorce is on the horizon, take some time to plan and create a path to follow before you file. You are making the decision to dissolve your marriage, so you probably understand that this is a life-changing choice and will not be an easy path to navigate. Although it will be an emotional experience, […]

What Happens if I Missed Visitation Time with My Child During Quarantine?

October 16, 2020

Visitation schedules may have been impacted, especially at the beginning of the pandemic response, and many parents who were due visitation and missed their time with their children want to know if there is anything they can do about it. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a disruption on many aspects of daily life, and for […]

Do You Pay Child Support with Joint Custody in Ohio?

September 30, 2020

Years ago, most divorces ended with one parent granted custody who would receive child support, and one parent allowed visitation who would pay the child support. Things have changed, and more family courts understand that both parents should be involved in raising children, even after divorce. Most divorced parents have some degree of joint custody. […]

Which Parent is Granted Custody if They’re Not Married?

July 28, 2020

When you have children, ending a relationship can be difficult. Not only are you separating as a couple, but you will have to negotiate how to divide parenting time and responsibilities. You need to think about parental rights, relationships, and other factors. While this is challenging for any couple, it can be even more complicated […]

Is Separation Better Than a Divorce?

June 9, 2020

Many people think of separation as a stop on the road to divorce. In the case of a trial separation, this may be true. Anyone can physically separate at any time without getting the court involved, and sometimes this separation is the first step. However, a legal separation and divorce are much more similar, and […]

Is Estate Planning the Same as a Will?

May 19, 2020

Estate plans and wills both indicate your end of life wishes when it comes to choosing guardians and naming heirs. Both ensure that your assets will not be left for the courts to distribute as they see fit. An estate plan and a will are both important legal documents, but they are not the same […]

What is the Difference Between a Will and a Trust?

March 11, 2020

Many people are familiar with the terms “will” and “trust”, but when asked the difference, it can be a struggle to explain. Both are useful estate planning components, and both can work together as part of a comprehensive estate plan. Understanding this piece of estate planning will help assure that your assets can pass to […]

The Importance of Updating Your Estate Planning Documents After Divorce

February 24, 2020

Divorce can throw your life into turmoil, both emotionally and financially. When you are in this tumultuous period, the focus may be on stabilizing daily life, and less on long term estate planning. However, updating these documents in a timely manner is important to ensure that your current status is reflected in your wishes.

What Can I Do if My Child Refuses Court Ordered Child Custody Visitation?

January 15, 2020

When it comes to divorce, there are sometimes simply no easy answers. If there are children involved in the matter, things become even trickier. No matter the disposition of the divorce, if there are kids in the mix, there will be a custodial order, and there will possibly be a visitation schedule specified.